Bring something new to something old.

Your mail slot has character, perhaps too much. Drafts, peeping eyes, and risks to our four-legged friends were, until now, part of the territory. At BOTA, we’ve thoughtfully engineered an update for a classic; built with highest-quality materials, BOTA is easy to install and will upgrade your snail mail game in minutes.

— Introducing the BOTA Mail Slot Insulator – a modern upgrade to traditional mail slots. Say goodbye to drafts and unwelcome guests, whether they're insects or prying eyes.

Block Out The Air.

Block Out The Air.

— Our insulator is engineered for long-lasting durability and effortless installation. Its adaptable design seamlessly integrates with a wide range of existing mail slot styles.


Upon realizing the standard mail slot was due for modernizing, the BOTA mail slot insulator was born as a versatile upgrade and solution to the issues that accompany traditional mail slots. Our insulator effectively eliminates drafts and uninvited guests.

Designed and Engineered
In Denver, Colorado.